Thursday, September 11, 2008

Paint Fumes and Football Players

It has been less than week since the 209 Mile Blue Ridge Relay took place. My legs are still aching and stiff from my efforts over the mountainous miles in my legs of the race. Still, if I am to run a winter marathon, I need to press forward and get back on the train, so to speak.
Living in Fairview, I have yet to run on the local high school track, it seemed like a good idea to try it out. I needed to do 4 X800s with warm ups and downs.

I arrived at the high school and was met with the twinge of unfamiliarity. The track encircled the foot ball field on which there was a group of men milling around. As I approached the gate I realized that they were marking the field for an upcoming football game. Mowers spray carts and string lines were being drawn. A large cut out of a G was being pulled from a barn as the men and young men brought the field to life.

I ran my track work, trying to remain unnoticed, or atlease out of their way. I had a job to do and it was tough business and I needed to get through it. My nose was filled more and more with the smell from their spray cans as the shirtless foootball players stooped over the numbers, the hiss and rattle of the cans. The white clouds of paint blowing in the wind.

It was good to see them out there, preparing. I was preparing too... As I finished my fourth 800 several of the men made a point to catch my eye and raise a hand in helo. One of the boys shouted, "I like that runnin' and those shoes, you're a beast!" I thanked him, and awkwardly mentioned that my shoes were pretty light, not to mention bumble bee yellow and black.

I am back and ready to move forward with my training.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Franklin Classic 10K

This was almost an after thought until the night before... I'll run the Franklin Classic. Sure I will. What I didn't know was that I would be getting a chance to actually do some racing. Something I have never done before. The strategy and mental energy it takes not only to consider what you are doing but others as well, is pretty intense. I raced the female leader from about mile 2. In the last 100 meters or so we both began our kick and I had a bit extra saved up coming in at 39:14. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kneeling at the Alter

Through this world of second guessing

where Truth construes as dogma-

strides a long robed man

moving making wind -

face grim  and resolved

stops at the alter 

kneels and smiles

 his eyes are stones of time 

faith like a child

who better to care for this world?

but a servant of Christ the King,

but the Master Mason.

Quiet Training

It is one thing to train with a race on the horizon. It is quite another to train with nothing in front of you. Right now I have 7 workouts per week 2 of which are 2-a-days but nothing to focus on. I suppose the question I have been avoiding is... "Why". Why am I dedicating so much time and energy with no specific goal. I suppose general fitness is one answer but it doesn't really satisfy the continued intensity. Last Thursday I ran 20.8 miles because I had the time. I had the time to run for three hours.

I do this with a shoulder shrug and a smile/grimace. Frankly, I do not have the answer to why I am upping my own ante. I just know that I feel compelled, even driven, to continue the increase. Now swimming and biking have made it onto my regimen, and with each passing day I find myself peering into the future wondering what race or adventure awaits.

I suppose I want to be ready, for whatever the real reason is. I pray Lord Jesus will direct my path.