Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kneeling at the Alter

Through this world of second guessing

where Truth construes as dogma-

strides a long robed man

moving making wind -

face grim  and resolved

stops at the alter 

kneels and smiles

 his eyes are stones of time 

faith like a child

who better to care for this world?

but a servant of Christ the King,

but the Master Mason.

Quiet Training

It is one thing to train with a race on the horizon. It is quite another to train with nothing in front of you. Right now I have 7 workouts per week 2 of which are 2-a-days but nothing to focus on. I suppose the question I have been avoiding is... "Why". Why am I dedicating so much time and energy with no specific goal. I suppose general fitness is one answer but it doesn't really satisfy the continued intensity. Last Thursday I ran 20.8 miles because I had the time. I had the time to run for three hours.

I do this with a shoulder shrug and a smile/grimace. Frankly, I do not have the answer to why I am upping my own ante. I just know that I feel compelled, even driven, to continue the increase. Now swimming and biking have made it onto my regimen, and with each passing day I find myself peering into the future wondering what race or adventure awaits.

I suppose I want to be ready, for whatever the real reason is. I pray Lord Jesus will direct my path.