from high on the AT |
This past week was a hundred mile week. It was capped off by an out-of-towner with my boy
Mash. We headed east Friday afternoon and stopped in Oak Ridge for a pre-dark run on our way to the Smokeys. Our Friday run plan was a 16 mile out and back on the North Ridge Trail. The start of the trail looked sketchy and the trail itself looked unused... still we headed out around 4:30 pm. Parking awkwardly by houses as the trail head started in a neighborhood. I took point and in a quarter mile was high-stepping through tall grass and thorn bushes... the trail was just not well traveled, we ended up taking several wrong turns and had to double back. It was hot- I neglected to bring my headlamp and the trail well... was not much fun. It wound behind houses and across roads. It dumped us out after about 3 miles in a large opening on a grassy ridge. Powerlines ran along but the trail just ended in a thicket. After much tramping and prodding for the trail to pick back up, we relented and headed back to the truck and did a 3 mile out and back in the mostly vertical roads of the neighborhood in which we had parked.
breaking down camp |
We finished with 9 miles and headed to Elkmont Campground. We reached our campsite by 9:30 and made haste in the truck's headlights to set up camp, get a fire going and have a cold beverage before bed. We spent a few minutes puzzling over a number of maps and books planning our route for the morning- we wanted as much climbing as we could get and we wanted 30+ miles. The prevailing sentiment was- Clingman's Dome would be our start and from there, we would make our way to the AT and follow it for 15+ miles and back in. We slept on cheap inflatable pool rafts- I in my 6 man, huge tent and Mash in his minimalist Northface. I did not know it at the time, but Mash used a towel as a blanket. It got cold by pre-dawn and our site sat beside a small river, the sound of running water filled the night air.
Infinit and nutrition check |
Time to get down to business. We broke down camp, prepped our Infinit in our Nathan packs and counted out gels, cubes and waffle stingers. Hydration was a concern as I estimated we would be in the woods for 6 to 7 hours. I was able to carry 60oz in my Nathan plus I planned to carry 2- 20 oz hand-helds. So 100oz would be cutting it very close. (I would need 120-140oz)
Clingman's Dome start |
We headed up the paved path up Clingman's Dome and dropped into the trail following signs to Mt. Mitchell and the AT. We were both surprised by how far we seemed to be descending and then climbing. The trail itself was relentless, jagged rocks, twisted roots, sharp descents, and mind numbing climb after climb. This quickly wore the newness and freshness off the day. By mile 6, we were hard at work, maintaining our footing watching for wildlife (snake, bear, pig), and trying to remain relaxed.
We came upon trail workers, fairly often- made sense- it was National Trail Day. We celebrated by running them. We made our way to New Found Gap- the terrain changed and although we were climbing and descending most of the time- a cool, sweet smelling breeze hit our sweat covered faces and we watched as the forest floor became a sea of small green ferns beneath the canopy. I was finding rhythm now, and by the time we made it to the New Found Gap Overlook, things were just fine.
tourists at New Found Gap Overlook |
From here we ran on the AT. Ascending dusty terrain littered with rock and boulder. We came to a sign that said "Ice Water Springs 1.7m". Now this sounded promising! We continued on- I was keen on refilling a bottle if possible, but would take no chances unless we could get word that the spring was drinkable. We came upon a shelter where a couple was resting. They confirmed my hope, the spring was just ahead and clean, AND cold! And ohhh was it- Ice cold water in the middle of nowhere.
beauty in the wild |
The remainder of the run consisted of making it to our turn-around point and heading back. It got hot and the terrain was vicious catching toe and ankle as I grew weary and less cautious. Ashly finished the final 2 miles with 2 oz of water, refusing to use my Infinit I had saved in my pack- it was warm and I had fought through some nausea in the mid 20 miles.
Smokeys mile 21 or so
We ascended the final climb, which was 2 miles up the back side of Clingman's Dome and emerged on the paved path laughing and shouting; just celebrating! Many tourists looked on with curiosity, we must have looked like shipwrecked sailors paddling on a homemade raft finding a beach resort. So 32 miles, 13,166 of elevation gain 13,141 of elevation loss. It was all I wanted and more in preparation for
Thank you
@swiftwick- Ran in Aspire 2s, both days in 2s. Recovered in 12's and legs feel good today- these socks make a difference, and my legs and feet are better for it!
Thank you Dan &
@Endurance Sports for the Infinit. Putting this stuff through the paces. You know how to DIAL IN NUTRITION and I am stronger for it.