Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Music City Ultra was billed as a tough, rugged course with 5000 feet of vertical gain. The verti chart had 13 notable, short climbs. I was determined to make a play for this race - I have been laying low - training short after the birth of our second son. But with a fair showing at the Forget the PR 50k just a month earlier I felt encouraged and parlayed that fitness into a reasonable bout of training.

After an awesome show at the start (Braveheart reenactment complete with blue face paint and a horse)... we were off and I mean off! I felt like I had been shot out of a cannon - there was a steep climb not a mile in to the race and I knew better than to get stuck following a pair of buns up the single track. I wanted to be out front.

I was 3rd to the hill. We started the 50k with the 25k and 10k folks. I then passed the two fellows in front of me. This seemed a bit odd. I tore through the early miles with reckless abandon, coming into Aid One at 5 miles in 31 minutes. I looked at my watch in disbelief.

The steep short climbs came and went. I faltered a bit around mile 16 and hit a low point. I heard a twig snap and out of nowhere popped the first runner I had seen since the initial few miles. I had no answer at that moment and was forced to watch him bound away. It was still early so I felt I had time to reel him in.

The backside of the course contained a dreadful loop with endless creek crossings, high brush and evermore steep climbs. The sun was out and it was mid eighties by now.

Coming into the aid station at about 18m
The rest of the race was a painful mix of dusty jeep roads and roughed-in trails that were definitely roads less traveled. I dropped my S- Caps at 3 hours and chose not to stop. By hour 4, I was heating up.

One of many creek crossings - a brief moment of cool- Swiftwick 12 inch Aspires and
Solomon Ultra Sense (and Roy's Mtn Hardwear pack) were the perfect mix
When I finally broke out of the woods and back onto the field that led to the finish, I felt my legs start to cramp. It was a race against time. I finished 2nd oval in 4:40.

I will fix my eyes upon the Lord.

Good friend, Grant Castle, was gracious enough to score me some salt tabs and a banana at the finish. Once recovered, I got to announce my wife's finish in the 25k. Great race - great RDs and great volunteers. What a day in the woods.

1 comment:

Troy Shellhamer said...

Nice work Jadyn. Those are some great pics also.
