Monday, February 28, 2011

Apex Training Week

I am glad to have last week in the bag. I ramped up my mileage with Saturday being 32.25 miles on the Montgomery Bell Overnight trail. I ran this with Jeff Walton, and Mash low, slow and in control. I finished the week with 71 miles and I am so happy to say injury free as a fair number of these miles were fast. Thursday's run was of some note as storms threatened. I started pre-dawn and did a warm up loop on the Percy Warner Road 5.75 then the second loop I dropped down to avg 7's with plenty of elevation to get me into the threshold zone. I finished the final 3 miles in a deluge but the air was warm and I felt alive splashing my way back to my Jeep.

So that's the meat of the training for the LBL 50 miler. I have started my taper. Now it is time to watch my weight, stay fit and keep my head down.


1 comment:

wells2123 said...

Glad to hear it buddy, you are going to rip it up for sure.